By robb allan | Wed, 05/19/2021 - 18:59

[caption id="attachment_4037" align="alignright" width="150"]entering-garden-bay Entering the cove at Garden Bay[/caption]

We rose at 0700 to back out of our metal-covered housing and exit Vancouver Harbor. This time, however, we made a turn to the north: our destination was 50 miles and 5 hours away in Garden Bay at Pender Harbor and the docks of the RVYC outstation.

The mountains on either side of the Strait became taller and more covered with unbroken stands of evergreens, but remained rounded and worn, no doubt from eras of glaciation. It turned out that our docks were actually at the Garden Bay Marina, adjacent to the RVYC slips, and our entrance required a stern-first negotiation of several vessels on either side of narrow channel between two docks. It proved too tight for Glenn's comfort, and we abandoned the initial attempt and chose instead to tie up on the outside of another dock.

Our first "greenbox", as the members call a BYOB sunset rendezvous, was via a trail from Garden Bay to the RVYC clubhouse - a slightly tricky maneuver with hands full of bottles of liquor and plates of cheese and crackers. But it was well worth it. Far more casual than the RVYC dinner, instead this evening everyone simply enjoyed each other's hors d'oeuvres and company.[gallery include="4036,4035,4033" link="file"]

After a bit of socializing, John and Brookie McColloch interrupted the evening to call together an impromptu choir to sing a cruise song, which charmed the crowd. Not long after, each of the participating club's liaisons spoke about cruise conditions, protocol, etc. in an informal skipper's meeting. With that, we collected our cocktail paraphernalia and returned to our boats.